“Trafficking Mechanisms of P-ATPase Copper Transporters,” Hartwig, C., Zlatic, S. A., Wallin, M., Vrailas-Mortimer, A., & Faundez, V. Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 2019 Mar; 59: 24-33
Figure 1 for Menkes Disease Article (Image 1)
Type: figure for journal publication, full color
Objective: This illustration was created for a client to supplement the text of a publication. The figure depicts the neurological symptoms of affected individuals, including (a) atrophy of the cortex and cerebellum, (b) tortuous cerebral arteries in patients as compared to in WT, (c) the difference in cell morphology between WT Purkinje cells and the “willow tree” phenotype of Purkinje cells, and (d) a build-up of distended mitochondria in the cell bodies of Purkinje cells in patients.
Figure 2 for Menkes Disease Article (Image 2)
Type: figure for journal publication, full color
Objective: This illustration was created for a client to supplement the text of a publication. The figure depicts the physical symptoms of Menkes Disease, and those include (a) pilli torti, (b) hypopigmentation, (c) skin and joint laxity, (d) osteoporosis, and (e) bladder diverticula.
© 2019 Melissa Wallin. All rights reserved.